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How to Set Up Boats and Destinations
This video shows how to set up boats and destinations:
How to Create Trips and Day Trips
This video shows how to create trips and day trips:
How to Set Up a Stock Item to Sell a Trip
This video shows how to set up a stock item to sell a trip:
Category: Trips
Best thing to do is to add in the Customers that Owe column to the Trip Search box – see below:
To do that, go to the Options button on that search grid (the crossed hammer and wrench) and choose Customize Columns.
Then add the Customer who Owe column.
Category: Trips
Adding someone to a trip within the trip itself will not generate a sale unless you have the option below marked on the Trips tab under Tools / options / All PCs:
You can, of course, add people to a trip and not generate a sale by not having that “show booking wizard…” box checked. Do bear in mind that that will not create a sale or report revenue in the sales area.
Once that box is checked you can either book someone on a trip (and generate a sale) either through the sales module or the trips module.
Stock Items for trips
To ensure that EVE prompts you to create a stock item when you create a Trip or Day Trip, please go to Tools / Options / All PCs and then click on the Trips tab and select as below:
When a stock item is assigned to sell a trip it sells that specific trip unless you choose to mark the stock item as being applicable to all trips at a boat or a destination.
Look at the stock item you’ve created and go to the Links tab is as below:
With all of boat, destination and trip complete with details.
Removing information from the Trip field will allow you to use this stock item for all trips on that boat and to that destination.
Removing info from both the trip field and the destination field will allow you to use the stock item to sell all trips on that boat.
Removing info from both the trip and boat fields will allow you to use the stock item to sell all trips to that destination.
Category: Trips
Next thing is the Trip Requirements packing list:
1/ go to the trip in question and click the print icon
2/ you can then choose either the Trip Requirements (Customer) or Trip Requirements (Type) report as you need:
Category: Trips
First thing to cover here is the use of the Trip Requirements area.
1/ Those elements on the Requirements tab of the Trip Booking Wizard come from what you have marked on the Stock Type form:
So, go to all the relevant stock types in Inventory / Stock Types and check / uncheck the Trip Requirement box as appropriate.
And the sizes you have entered on the Sizes tab will be those displayed on the Requirements form.
2/ As you add the customer using the Booking Wizard, the Profile populates
the Trip Requirements automatically.
3/ In summary, if you have set up a Profile on the Customer record as below…
…that Profile will default onto the Trip Requirements section of the booking wizard when a Trip/Day Trip is sold – see below
…provided your Stock Types are marked as both ‘For Rental Profile’ and ‘Trip Requirement
Category: Trips
If you have set up a Profile on the Customer record as below…
…that Profile will default onto the Trip Requirements section of the booking wizard when a Trip/DayTrip is sold – see below
…provided your Stock Types are marked as both ‘For Rental Profile’ and ‘Trip Requirement’
Category: Trips