c Expand All C Collapse All


First, create a new payment method in Data / Payment Methods called ‘Account Opening Balance’ or similar.
To add a debit to a customer’s account go to Sales/Invoices/New
Call up the customer in question.
Go to the Payments tab of the invoice and choose On Account.
[You may need to create an account for the customer at this point.]
Enter amount they owe you, as below, where the customer owes $100:
Then choose the Account Opening Balance payment method to balance the invoice.
You will see similar to below on the Payments tab:
This will leave the customer owing you $100 in this example.
Category: Accounts
1/ To add credit to a customer’s account go to Sales / Invoices / New
Call up the customer in question.
Go to the Unpaid Invoices tab.
Select Pay Specified Amount from the Coolbar on the right.
Enter amount and you will need to create or select account this is going on, as below:
Please note that clicking Forward will reveal pictures accurately if they don’t display properly here.
You will see similar to below on the Payments tab:
2/ To add debits to their account, reverse the figures – i.e. place a negative amount on the Payment
Amount on the Unpaid Invoices tab.
Then a positive amount On Account and negative Cash on the Payments tab.
Category: Accounts
Clearing accounts:
Create a:
•Stock item
•Stock type
•Profit center
called ‘Account Write Off’ or similar.
“Sell” the ‘Account Write Off’item to the customer and put the value in the Unit Price to equal the amount you need to put back on to the customer’s account. On the Payments tab use the On Account payment
The ‘Account Write Off’ stock item should have a Stock Type whose Profit Center is marked as “Appear in Profit Center Breakdown Report’s Memo section”. This makes it obvious on reports that it was not a “Sale”.
For customers who “owe” you:
Then create a new invoice and sell the ‘Account Write Off’ item for negative the amount on their account
Use the On Account payment method and Save
EVE will decrement their account and you will see the ‘Account Write Off’ figure in the memo section on your Profit Center report so you know where the money went.
For customers you “owe”:
Then create a new invoice and sell the Account Write Off item or positive the amount on their account.
Category: Accounts
Go to Tools / Options / All PCs
Select the Sales tab.
Within that go to Account Receivables and then set as you wish:
Category: Accounts
Open a new invoice.
Go the Unpaid Invoices tab.
Enter the amount you’re refunding – this will be a negative number:
Then use the relevant payment method – e.g. cash.
In short, it’s the same as taking money against an account but negative.
Category: Accounts
At the bottom of the Till Reconciliation report you can already see the payments that went On Account in any period, as below:
Please note that clicking Forward will reveal pictures accurately if they don’t display properly here.
You might also wish to add an Account Payments text box and Account Payments label, as below:
To the Till Rec print layout so that you can see these for any period.
To do that go to Tool / Print Layouts and open the Sales Reports – Till Reconciliation Report and then click on the Label box on the toolbox on the left:
and add that to the layout under the Other Payment Methods Footer.
Then add a text box and enter AccountPayments as the text for that (note there is no space in that text).
You’ll then have the info you need on any Till Rec report over any period as you see fit.
Category: Accounts
Your amount o/s at any date in the past is:
a/ current Creditors figure – use the Creditors/Debtors report in File/Reports/Sales
b/ less Account Payments since that date – use the Sales Search Wizard to get that.
Select Account Payments on the Payments/Items tab
Select the dates you need on the Dates tab
c/ less payments On Account since that date – use the Sales Search Wizard to get that.
Select Payments on the Payments/Items tab
Select the dates you need on the Dates tab
Select On Account in the Payment Methods tab
Category: Accounts
Payments “On Account” in EVE terms are when a customer buys goods and the total is placed on their account balance.
“Account Payments” in EVE are when a customer pays off part of that account.
1/ You’ll be able to see all “On Account” payment methods on the Till Reconciliation report accessed from File/Reports/Sales. You can run this over any time period you wish.
2/ If you wish to add a Note to this report showing which of the cash/check/credit card payments were actually Account Payments then you can do so.
To show the account payment amount on the Till Reconciliation report, open the ‘Sales Reports – Till Reconciliation’ report layout (by clicking Tools then Print Layouts)
Add a Label called ‘Account Payments’ and a TextBox called ‘AccountPayments’ to the Report Footer section – see below.
The easiest way to do this is to copy and paste the Sub-Total label and then copy and paste the SubTotal2 TextBox.
Then right click on each new field and ‘Rename’.
Let us know if you need more help with this
Category: Accounts
You can send any customer their account statement either from their account record in their customer folder:
or by selecting the customer under File/Reports/Sales.
Category: Accounts

Follow this procedure to export the customer Account Balance to Excel
1) Click File
2) Click Reports
3) Select Sales
4) Click Show
5) Select Creditors Debtors Report
6) Click Next
7) No parameters are required
8) Click Finish

9) The Creditors / Debtors report will populate
10) Make sure both the Include Creditors and Include Debtors options are checked
11) Click the Select All icon
12) Click Export
13) Select Microsoft Excel
14) Click Next
15) In the Data tab, check as many fields as necessary.
16) Click Next
17) Make sure the CreditorsDebtorsSearchResults.xls file is selected
18) Click New Worksheet
19) Click Next
20) If the file already exists, choose to overwrite it

Excel will open and list the results, the Balance will be in column D. Save the file to a folder and share it with the Dive Shop 360 Team.
For any assistance on this procedure, email us at support@evediving.com

Category: Accounts